
Zana Hoxha the Laureate of Future Leaders program by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

25-30.09.2022 Nominated by the French Embassy in Kosovo, Zana Hoxha was honored by French Government for her leadership in gender equality, advocacy, social enhancement, and women rights. Zana, who is…

Zana e artit dhe e aktivizmit

“Është identitet i jemi”, thotë regjisorja Zana Hoxha. Qysh prej kohës së studimeve, e ka shoqëruar kombinimi i krijimtarisë teatrale me vullnetarizmin qytetar. Shpesh, në dërrasat e teatrit, ka gërshetuar…

Camp of Artivists – influence of art and its inclusiveness in times of COVID

Human beings have continued to create even during unfortunate times and under the strangest of circumstances.  The process of becoming and creating is part of our genesis and essence. With…

Integrated Security Workshop – Training of Trainers edition

Integrated Security Workshop – Training of Trainers edition was held on 14-17 December, 2020 in hotel surrounded by beautiful mountains in Bogë with 11 women staff members from five shelters…

The Forum Theater Program training brought together young people from Kosovo communities

In beautiful Prizren, girls and boys from communities living in Kosovo gathered to participate in the four-day training "Theater-based education". The beautiful and sunny weather pushed the training organizers to modify…