It began as an ambition and desire of the founder and executive Director of Artpolis and FemArt Festival, Zana Hoxha. FemArt Festival was a necessity for the society within our country and in the region. It continued to be extended solely to give space to art, solidarity, humanity, peace, freedom, entertainment, joy, empathy, and empowerment.

Given the difficulties faced by women and marginalized groups in Kosovo and in the region on daily basis, rising from these obstacles by confronting and breaking social norms across generations, Art and Community Center – Artpolis starting in 2013, has organized FemArt aiming to combat
patriarchal challenges imposed on women and girls throughout the years.

This beautiful artistic initiative became a platform for artists and activists to be heard, and since its first edition it took the form of a prestigious festival. The festival continues to be a space for initiating and presenting ideas and creations that bring ahead feminist concepts and its development in Kosovo, as well as advocating for equal rights and building peace in the region.

FemArt brought together local, regional, and international women artists of all kinds of expertise, from debutants to experienced professionals. There were women artists and activists included, as well as men with feminist attitudes, creators of films, theatre performers, photographers, musicians, writers, together with creators, and other professionals contributed with research, discussions and exchange of information.

The diverse program of the FemArt Festival is not only educational, but also entertaining which has managed to gain a wide diverse audience and leave them with broader knowledge and experience. These programs of past editions were selected by a group of artists and civil society activists who have experience in various art forms that have a link between social issues and art creations.

Inspired by social themes and human rights in the Balkans, artists and activists joined in this dynamic platform of the festival, and artistically informed the public about the social problems that Kosovo’s women and of the region face each day.

Together we are more powerful and will never stop until we reach our goals toward freedom, justice, equality, and education for all women and girls in Kosovo.

For more: https://femart-ks.com/https://www.facebook.com/FemartKosova